Purpose of the site

Site issues

Communicate with prospects/customers, sell one or more products and/or services

Context of use

The platform used for the arcanes-sculptures.com site is the OpenSource CMS WordPress full version. The WordPress CMS is installed on a hosting provider.

Contact details of the host:
Company LWS (www.lws.fr – Ligne Web Services)
SARL with a capital of 500,000 Euros
RCS Paris B 450 453 881 – APE 723Z – SIRET 45045388100010
Equipment used: Apache Linux Debian shared server
Database system: MySql

Computers, files and freedoms

Arcanes Sculptures respects the protective provisions of human rights and fundamental freedoms, the protection of personal data and their free movement as well as Community Directive No. 95/46 and Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978 amended in 2004 relating to data processing, files and freedoms.
The user is notably informed that, in accordance with article 27 of the law n°78-17 of January 6, 1978 modified in 2004, relating to data processing, files and freedoms, he benefits from an individual right of access, rectification and deletion of personal information concerning him.

This right can be exercised by e-mail via the contact form or by e-mail to: art@arcanes-sculptures.com                                                                                                                         

Protection of personal data

Pursuant to Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978 as amended relating to data processing, files and freedoms, and the European regulation linked to the GDPR, Your company informs the user that it respects the confidentiality, the integrity and security of the data that the user will be required to communicate to it.
Any personal data that directly identifies you; in particular surname, first name, postal, electronic, telephone or indirect contact details; computer traces left by your navigation on the Site, IP address (virtual address of the computer), are considered as personal data and are treated as such, subject to the evolution of the legal framework on the qualification of data to personal character.

Processing of data relating to the Services

Data collected

The data is collected via the arcanes-sculptures.com website through the

  • contact form
    Surname, first name, e-mail, telephone
  • newsletter subscription form
    Name, e-mail

Data storage medium

These data are stored on the server hosting the site Name of your website (Société Ligne Web Service – LWS)
Server used: Linux Apache shared server, Debian version
Database system: MySql Database
administration software: phpMyadmin4 with SSL secure link
PHP version used: 7.4
Email address used by the arcanes-sculptures.com site
Incoming server: IMAP/POP3 port
Outgoing server: SMTP SSL port
Authentication required for IMAP, POP3 and SMTP

In-house data recovery

They are recovered by the Publication Director on computers protected by software (anti-virus) and processed under Windows OS / Apple OS / Linux OS with free office software.
No paper version of this data will be created.

The WordPress CMS installed for the site Name of your website does not use the “JetPack” extension offered by WordPress.org. As a result, the latter has no access to customer data.

Purpose of data processing

Arcanes Sculptures undertakes to collect only the minimum data through the various forms and questionnaires on the arcanes-sculptures.com site: surname, first name, email, telephone, site url for the following purpose:

  • For customer follow-up
  • Identification of customers/prospects
  • Reminder, quotation reminder, payment reminder, etc.
  • Improve the website
  • Improve service offerings
  • Reply to people who leave comments
  • Keep customers and/or prospects informed of the company’s activities

Each user may at any time request the rectification or deletion of their data by sending their request via the contact form.

Is the data accurate and kept up to date?

Insofar as the customer is the requester for all his contact details updates, he himself contacts us. If the data collected proves to be inaccurate, it will be modified or deleted.

Retention period of data collected

The data thus collected is kept indefinitely until the voluntary unsubscription of the customer.
Arcanes Sculptures reserves the right to unilaterally delete this data at any time.
Each user may at any time request the rectification or deletion of their data by sending their request via the contact form.

Right of access, rectification and opposition

You have the right to obtain communication of your data from Arcanes Sculptures and to demand, if necessary, its rectification, to oppose their use for prospecting purposes, in particular commercial (if existing). This right can be exercised by e-mail via the contact form or by e-mail to: art@arcanes-sculptures.com

Recipients of the processed data

Under the responsibility of the data protection officer of arcanes-sculptures.com, the recipients are the personnel of Arcanes Sculptures within the strict framework of their mission and under the control of the Director of publication.

Data processing

Subscribing to, accessing and/or using certain Services involves the processing of personal data, which you accept. The person responsible for processing users’ personal data is described in the “Director of Publication” paragraph of these legal notices.
The data collected comes from the voluntary provision of their information by users wishing to access or use a service requiring such processing, from the computer traces left by navigation on the site or from the transmission by one of the partners to the other partner of the data thus collected (if existing).
This data may be used for the needs of the management of the operations carried out on the site and the commercial actions of Arcanes Sculptures and/or its partners (if existing).
They may, for these purposes, be communicated to the companies of the said groups or to third parties to meet legal or regulatory obligations as well as for the execution of commercial prospecting operations. You agree that these may be used and/or communicated according to the methods specified above.

Right of access, rectification and opposition

You have the right to obtain communication of your data from Arcanes Sculptures and to demand, if necessary, its rectification, to oppose their use for prospecting purposes, in particular commercial (if existing). This right can be exercised by e-mail via the contact form or by e-mail to: art@arcanes-sculptures.com

Commercial solicitations by electronic means: NEWSLETTER

We comply with the rules of article L.34-5 of the postal and electronic communications code which provides for the prior and express collection of your consent for the sending of commercial prospecting by electronic means (e-mail).
Thus, on the form that you fill out when you subscribe to the newsletter, you are expressly asked for your consent: to receive information from our site.

Exception: your express and prior consent is not required when you are already a client of Arcanes Sculptures and when the purpose of our solicitation is to offer you products or services similar to those we already provide to you.

In any case, you always have the possibility of opposing the receipt of these solicitations by carrying out the following actions:
For the e-mail, by clicking on the unsubscribe link provided at the bottom of each e-mail, or by contacting via the contact form.

Technical data processing – Cookies

Arcanes Sculptures and/or their partners (if any) also automatically record certain technical data.
During the consultation of the Site, the technical data likely to be recorded, in respect of the access or the use of the Site are the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the user and the information relating to the configuration ( type of machine, browser, etc.) and navigation (date, time, pages viewed, occurrence of errors, etc.) of the user.
This latest information may be stored, via your browser software, in short text files (cookies), subject to your choices, in a dedicated space on the disk of Arcanes Sculptures and/or its partners (if existing ) process this technical data completely anonymously, not linking it to any information enabling the user to be identified, and do not transmit it to third parties.

Each cookie is assigned an anonymous identifier. The cookie file allows its issuer to identify the terminal in which it is registered during the period of validity or registration of the cookie concerned.

Cookies, depending on their category, are used for the following purposes:

  • A first category of cookies is strictly necessary for the use of the Site. They are essential for browsing the site while taking advantage of all its features (support for the user’s operating system, display, etc.). They make it possible to adapt certain functionalities and the presentation of the Site to your browser and your equipment. These are essentially technical cookies that do not identify you as an individual.
  • Another category of cookies are those that allow performance measurement. These cookies make it possible to establish statistics and volumes of visits and use of the various services of the Site. Their purpose is to enable Your company to improve user comfort. These cookies do not identify you as an individual.

These first two categories of cookies are only used for the purposes of establishing usage statistics, preventing errors, preventing damage and counterfeiting of the site or improving the conditions of access or use of the Site.

  • A third category of cookies relates to functionality. They will simplify your navigation. Indeed, they allow you to save some of your choices (language, user name, country, information relating to a form entered previously, etc.).
  • Another category of cookies comes from social networks: these cookies, from third parties, allow the user to share the content of the Site with other people. This is the case, for example, with Facebook’s “Share” or “Like” buttons.

“Social Networks” Cookies

The social network that provides this type of application button is likely to identify you using this button, even if you did not click on it when you visited the site. Indeed, some cookies allow the social network concerned to follow your navigation on the site, as soon as your account with this social network is activated on your terminal during your navigation on the site.
Arcanes Sculptures has no control over the process used by social networks to collect information relating to your browsing on the site.
Arcanes Sculptures invites you to consult the personal data protection policies of these social networks. These must allow you to exercise certain confidentiality choices with these social networks, in particular by setting up your user accounts for each of these networks.
Without prejudice to the foregoing, Arcanes Sculptures and/or its partners (if existing) may, however, be required to use this information in cooperation with the user’s Internet service provider to identify the user for the purpose of carrying out all or part of these general conditions or additional contractual conditions or at the request of the competent administrative or judicial authorities.

We use several share buttons on our site.
To manage your data on Facebook
To manage your data on Pinterest
To manage your data on LinkedIn
https://www .linkedin.com/legal/cookie-policy?_l=fr_FR

Disabling these cookies therefore prevents any interaction with social networks. 

Audience measurement

Arcanes Sculptures uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. (“Google”) for its site.
Google Analytics uses “cookies”, which are text files placed on your computer, to help the website analyze how users use the site. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website (including your IP address) will be transmitted to and stored by Google on its servers in the United States.
Google will use this information for the purpose of evaluating your use of the website, compiling reports on website activity for website operators and providing other services relating to website activity and for Internet use. Google may also disclose this information to third parties where required to do so by law or where such third parties process the information on Google’s behalf. Google undertakes not to associate your IP address with other data held by Google.
You have the option of refusing the use of cookies by selecting the required instructions on your browser; please note, however, that if you do this you may not be able to use the full functionality of this website. By using this website, you consent to Google processing data about you in the manner and for the purposes described above.
View Google tools privacy policies

If you do not want our site to save cookies in your browser for audience measurement purposes, you can click on the following link where you will find additional information:
Google Analytics cookies: https://tools.google.com /dlpage/gaoptout

Duration of storage of your data

If you leave a comment, the comment and its metadata are retained indefinitely. This automatically recognizes and approves subsequent comments instead of leaving them in the moderation queue.
For users who register on our site (if possible), we also store the personal data indicated in their profile. All users can see, modify or delete their personal information at any time (except for their username·ice). Site administrators can also see and modify this information but do not have access to your password. If you wish to make a request in this sense, use the contact form.

How to exercise your rights?

We inform you that you can at any time configure your browser to modify your choices in terms of cookies. The configuration of the internet browser is an effective and free means of determining, upstream, the management of cookies. So you can decide:

  • to accept the recording of all the cookies integrated into the pages and contents that you consult. Note that on the one hand, these cookies will only be readable by their issuers. On the other hand, this process is not definitive, and it will always be possible for you, a posteriori, to delete these cookies;
  • to refuse the registration of cookies on your terminal. In this case, your visit to the Site will no longer be counted in the traffic measurement tools, but you will no longer be able to benefit from the same browsing comfort, as certain features require the use of cookies. Consequently, Your company declines all responsibility for any inconvenience related to possible malfunctions of our services resulting from the impossibility of consulting the necessary cookies;
  • to be invited by your browser to give your consent or your refusal before the installation of a new cookie on your terminal.

The settings for managing cookies depend on your browser (more information at https://www.youronlinechoices.com/fr/controler-ses-cookies/).
As an indication, you oppose the registration of cookies by configuring your browser.

Internet Explorer
1. Go to Tools > Internet Options.
2. Click on the privacy tab.
3. Click on the advanced button, check the box “Override automatic cookie management”.
Find out more: http://windows.microsoft.com/fr-FR/windows7/Block-enable-or-allow-cookies


1. At the top of the Firefox window, click the Firefox button (Tools menu in Windows XP), then select Options.
2. Select the Privacy panel.
3. Configure Retention rules: to use the personalized parameters for the history.
4. Uncheck Accept cookies.
Learn more:https://support.mozilla.org/en/kb/enable-desactivate-cookies?redirectlocale=en&redirectslug=Enable+and+%C3%A9sactivate+cookies

1. Click on the wrench icon located in the browser toolbar.
2. Select Settings.
3. Click Show advanced settings.
4. In the “Privacy” section, click on the Content settings button.
5. In the “cookies” section, you can block cookies and data from third-party sites
Learn more: https://support.google.com/chrome/bin/answer.py?hl=fr&hlrm=en&answer=95647

1. Go to Settings > Preferences
2. Click on the Privacy tab
3. In the “Block cookies” area, check the “always” box
Learn more: https://support.apple.com/kb/HT1677 ?viewlocale=fr_FR

1. Go to Settings > Preferences
2. Click on the advanced tab
3. In the “cookies” area, check the box “Never accept cookies”
Find out more: https://help.opera.com/Windows /10.20/fr/cookies.html

Data and site protection with Cerber Security

Our site uses the WP Cerber Security extension

Practical safety function package:

  • WordPress Brute Force Protection Login Attempts Limit
  • Allow or restrict connections by IP Access Whitelist and IP Access Blacklist
  • Rename wp-login.php and hide /wp-admin/
  • Make Custom Login URL
  • Stop user enumeration
  • Completely disable XML-RPC, WP API REST and feeds any type
  • fail2ban support

How does WP Cerber protect sites?

By default WordPress allows unlimited login attempts either through the login form or by sending special cookies. This allows passwords to be cracked with relative ease by brute force attack.
WP Cerber blocks intruders by IP or subnet as soon as a significant number of connection attempts are made by limiting this number of attempts, which makes brute force attacks or distributed brute force attacks from botnets impossible .
It creates Black or White access lists to block or allow connections from a particular IP address.
A custom login page is created to prevent automated attacks from the default wp-login.php, which require constant attention and consume significant server resources. If an attacker attempts to access wp-login.php they will get a 404 error response.
WP Cerber tracks IP times, addresses and usernames for successful and failed login attempts, logins, logouts, password changes, blocks IPs and actions taken by itself.
The WordPress dashboard is hidden (/wp-admin/) when a user is not logged in. If a user is not logged in and attempts to access the dashboard by requesting /wp-admin/, WP Cerber will return a 404 Error.
Massive botnet brute force attack? This is no longer a problem. Citadel Mode will be automatically activated for a given period after several failed login attempts and thus prevents the intruder from making further login attempts with a username.

Procedures implemented in the event of a data leak

In the event of a data leak, the CNIL will be notified within 72 hours maximum and any user of the site will be notified within the same period.

Automated marketing and/or profiling operations carried out using personal data

No marketing and/or automated profiling is carried out by our site. This is why only the acceptance of functional cookies is displayed.